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Saturday 9 April 2016

How an Idea Management System can make your organization more innovative

The Innovation Mandate

To innovate is a fundamental and universal organizational imperative; for continuous improvement, learning and rapid adaptation; in an external environment that is changing at lightning speed; in an age of ever-increasing uncertainty.

The Innovation Challenge & Opportunity

Innovators – organizations and individuals - face multiple challenges. An idea management system can convert these challenges into opportunities. An indicative list of such challenges and corresponding opportunities follows:
Scarce Resources:
All organizations and managers are called upon to continuously do more with less. This is perhaps particularly true for the public sector, as reflected in the catchphrase and philosophy, “Minimum Government, Maximum Governance”, of the Government of India.
Our People:
For most if not all Government organizations, their most invaluable resource is their people. However, their potential lies largely untapped, hidden and under-utilized. An idea management system is an opportunity to develop our people and empower them to contribute for organizational improvement and innovation.
Islands of Wisdom:
The structures and systems we have devised to ensure order and efficiency have also erected boundaries within and among departments. These boundaries encourage working within silos, and make it difficult for the organization to harness its innovation potential adequately. Thus, an idea with organization-wide applicability remains confined to an island; and an idea which can spawn many other ideas fails to give birth to them.
Organization-wide Collaboration:
An idea management system offers to make collaboration and team-work the norm, rather than the exception. Organization-wide sharing of an idea enables not only enables its wide adoption and full exploration, generating potentially numerous other ideas for organizational improvement; but also builds camaraderie and mutual respect, improving organizational culture and performance.
Lack of Employee Motivation:
A quintessential problem, this is sometimes more entrenched in Government departments. This cripples organizational innovation, which demands that everyone – not just the management – puts on a thinking hat and is able and willing to go the extra mile in contributing to the organization.
Employees as Innovation Partners:
By asking employees to be thinkers and innovators, an idea management system enriches and enlarges their job. It is a tool to enhance employees’ self-worth, bring about greater job engagement, organizational commitment and superior performance. Moreover, being intimately familiar with the work they do, employees have been found to come up with some of the most innovative and impactful ideas.

The Need to Manage Innovation

A systematic process is required to convert such challenges into opportunities, as above. Evidence from hundreds of diverse organizations shows that innovation does not happen on its own; innovation has to be managed actively. Further, as innovation researcher Tim Kastelle says, innovation is the process of idea management.
Thus, ideas are the key ingredient in the innovation process, but without a mechanism for managing them, it is difficult to prioritize innovation efforts and to channel innovation activity into the areas it is needed most. An idea management system can be of immense help in this regard.
The benefits of a systematic well-run idea management system would far outrun the ones initially envisaged. The impact it can have on the organization can be nothing short of revolutionary, in an incremental fashion though. It is a tool for organizational transformation which thus marries the incrementalism of Government systems with the high aspirations leadership and citizens have for the end-goals of public service delivery.

What is an Idea Management System?

An idea management system (IMS) is a systematicformal mechanism for solicitinggenerating, developing, evaluating, selecting, implementing, spreading and learning from large numbers of ideas from anyone and everyone in the organization.

How an IMS assists in the Innovation Process

The below table identifies how an IMS can assist at each stage of the innovation process.
Innovation Phase
How an IMS assists
Idea generation – finding, adapting or creating the ideas
An IMS can encourage employees to put forward ideas. An IMS can help in the process of refining and iterating those ideas by allowing others to share their perspectives and inputs.
Idea selection – picking which ideas to use
By letting others be aware of suggested approaches, ideas can be tested early through sharing of experiences, limitations and impacting factors, and possible improvements to the idea.
Idea implementation – putting the ideas into practice
An IMS can assist implementation if it records lessons learnt, identifies options that have and have not worked, and codifies what made the implementation successful.
Sustaining ideas – keeping the ideas going
An IMS can assist the embedding of ideas by outlining the need for an idea and providing a reminder of the problems faced before it came about.
Idea diffusion – spreading the ideas and the insights about them
By recording the ideas and the resulting action other areas facing a similar or parallel issue may be better able to see potential solutions.
(Excerpted from the Public Sector Innovation Toolkit, of the Government of Australia)

How an IMS is Different

An idea management system possesses the following advantages, which traditional systems lack:
  • An IMS is open to ideas from everyone in the organization, irrespective of their rank or division
  • Transparency and sharing of ideas becomes a force-multiplier
  • An IMS can allow even anonymous posting of improvement ideas, thus potentially reducing some of the inhibitions which prevent people to come forward with their ideas
  • A well-designed IMS serves as a database of problems, solutions, implementation approaches and lessons learnt; this is a huge asset for the organization which can spur further growth and innovation.
We shall explore success stories, and the implementation roadmap in a later post
Does your organization have an Idea Management System? What is your experience with an IMS? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Thank you. 
A shorter version of this article was published earlier: Let Ideas Flow
(this article itself was published originally on LinkedIn)
  1. Ideas are Free – Alan RobinsonDean M. Schroeder 
  2. The Idea Driven Organization - Alan RobinsonDean M. Schroeder 
  3. How to Manage Innovation as a Process
  4. An Overview of Idea Management Systems 
  5. Why Innovation matters 
  6. http://innovation.govspace.gov.au/
  7. http://www.whitehouse.gov/open/innovations/idealab
  8. http://www.whitehouse.gov/open/innovations/IdeaFactory/

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