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(Reproduced verbatim from the 1st post on an old blog of mine - December 3, 2011) Questioning leads to better understanding, gre...

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Why we are here

Dear Friend,

Thank you for stopping by. Hoping that you can derive some value from my humble thoughts. And I from your presence and participation. And others from our interactions.

Below, I attempt to explain the why and how of this blog. 


To help build India. And her people. 

It is my firm belief that every citizen has the potential to transform India (and the world). It is a holy and noble calling, a responsibility and a right. It is not the preserve of our political, corporate and other leaders. Indeed, they need our help. Our best foot - and hands, mind and heart - forward. Hope and pray that this humble blog be one of the many ways to do this.

(Keeping this in mind, we may take the liberty to converse or share our knowledge/ignorance on any subject that aligns with this mission. It may not necessarily be 'new' or novel. :) )

The Way

Democratic conversations on diverse subjects that concern India. And her people. 

It is my firm belief that a rich and meaningful democratic discourse lies at the heart of democracy. And hence at the heart of a brighter future for world's largest democracy. Inspired by this belief, "The Deep Servant" would seek to nurture & enrich democratic conversations and hence Indian democracy. By discussing diverse issues of public service, governance and much else.


To grow and evolve into an idea factory for India in general and the Government of India in particular. A factory that produces ideas & conversations fit to be taken forward and transformed into actions that improve governance and public service in India.

"The Deep Servant" thus aspires to become a platform to moot ideas, with particular focus on India. A forum where governance and public service are mooted – freely, respectfully & positively. A forum for informed and meaningful dialogue on issues that matter to the people of India and to public service. A meeting place where ideas can not only be generated and refined, but also thereafter be taken forward, and moulded into transformative action.

The author being by profession a servant of the people, it is my humble hope that public servants like me would be able to draw inspiration from these conversations. And live up to what we profess we are. And be equipped with a better inspiration and direction to go ahead and transform public service.

Jai Hind.


A continuous effort would be made to refine & redefine the above, to let them evolve. Your thoughts are most welcome in this regard. Thank you, and welcome once again.

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