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Friday 26 May 2017

For Whom are You Not Crying Today?

A Cry for Positive Weeping

Dear Reader,

Please allow me to make a confession, a statement of regret. It has been a while since I cried. Yes, it has been some time since I wept - "truly, madly, deeply", if you will.

Does this make you wonder why I regret it?

Before answering this, let me share with you my understanding of why I have been hardly crying. In one line, to put it simply: because I am happy; because I have been happy. 

I believe I have been blessed immensely by God; He has given me a very loving family, relatives, friends, colleagues, basic material needs, education, talents and opportunities to develop them; and faith in Him and the means to grow further in His divine instruction. I am grateful for what life has given me, and I think I am - mostly - happy.

Of course, one cannot but be grateful for being happy; but it would be vain not to realize the problem that lurks underneath this.

The distant memory of a brief, yet intense, past experience I had, brought this into sharp relief. 

Someone very dear to me: she was crying, weeping. Selflessly, not for herself, not at all. I was with her, but I could not quite console her. Perhaps, I could not have. 

I am wondering, perhaps, I did not even need to console her! It was not needless, selfish crying. She was crying for a reason - and a very noble reason at that

I believe her tears have helped further purify herself, and strengthen her love and filial concern for the people for whom she shed those blessed tears. It has had a purging effect on me too. In awakening me to the need to cry more, cry better, cry original - for more and more people, for more and more causes.

Indeed, crying is cathartic. The ability and propensity to cry is a precious gift of God, of Nature. Let us shy away from "self-serving" tears, but not shy away from tears shed for others. On the other hand, let us embrace other-centred weeping - with the full strength of our mind, heart and soul.

We are what we are today, because of the tears of many great men and women, our mother and father being perhaps the foremost among them.

May we able to cultivate the time, inclination and opportunity to advance the well-being and salvation of others and hence ourselves too, by our lamentations. 

Let us Cry Positively! And Let us keep asking ourselves: For whom, and for what, are we not Crying Today? Besides enabling us to love more and laugh more often, who knows whose life is going to be or could be changed in what way - whether big/small - by our sincere soulful tears? 

May 26, 2017

(Inspired by My Lord and My God, Jesus Christ and the dear and near ones He has given me)

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