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Sunday 3 January 2016

Train your Team - to get yourself Fired!

We all know that training is a very important pillar in the growth and development of most organizations (and all societies). Regular and relevant good quality training is particularly important in organizations where a significant part of the work is 'knowledge work'. Where the application of specialized knowledge is a critical element of the value that the organization creates and delivers.

Despite its importance, we find that organizations vary hugely in the importance they accord to training and development. While some have very systematic training programs, others, often in the same industry, have neither programs nor budget nor time for it!

Why is training important? And why should it be important? The reason often cited is employee growth and development, so that they stay up-to-date and are better able to function effectively.

The focus here is often on the employees who undergo training. It seems to me that the impact of employee training on other members in the organization is often overlooked. Let us hence talk specifically of the potential impact of training, on the boss of the employee who undergoes the training (assuming he/she has a boss).

In other words, let us discuss how training your team would help you as an individual.

(By team, I mean largely, subordinates and peers; will discuss bosses in another post).

1) Do More of what you do now

This is perhaps the most observable and immediate outcome. Good training would improve the productive efficiency of your team members, enabling them to work faster and thus deliver sooner. The quantitative output of your team - in other words, your output - thus increases.

2) Get Better at what you do now 

A good training program can also be expected to result in better work practices, and thus in better quality output. Again, being the team leader/manager, you get (maybe most of) the credit and share the satisfaction.

3) Relate Better to each other

A well-trained team is more likely to be a more satisfied one. Workplace relations would thus be a lot smoother, and communication smooth, effortless and cordial. This in itself is not only a big stress buster, but also a great performance and morale booster.

4) Supervise Less

All of the above mean naturally that you would now need to supervise less than earlier. You would agree that a lot of supervision is often absolutely needless, eminently avoidable and very costly. A lot of it happens because of the lack of:
  1. Trust in each other's ability and/or intentions, and 
  2. Clear communication and shared acceptance of desired goals (and desirable means, if any)
A better-trained workforce would eliminate a lot of such needless supervision, and enable you to focus on supervision that could not otherwise have been avoided.

5) Delegate More

These in turn enables you to delegate some of your responsibilities to your subordinates. Besides thus enriching their jobs and developing them, it also frees you up in more ways than you can perhaps imagine.

6) Learn More

Obvious, yet often overlooked. A better-trained team not just gives you more opportunities to learn; it ensures that you learn more from your colleagues than otherwise.

7) Fire Yourself!

Not from your job, don't worry! But from your current role. :) 

If you wish to have a truly meaningful growth in your career, you have to fire yourself - and that too, continually. You have to let go of the tasks that you have been doing and graduate to higher level leadership and managerial tasks - all the time. 

Do Different Things, Be More

You can do this, only if you have someone to take up these 'lower-level' tasks that you are currently engaged in. Your subordinates are the only ones who can rescue you here. By training them, you not only enrich their jobs with these tasks (that would typically be of a higher level than their current tasks), but also give yourself too the room to grow. It is a clear win-win situation (but alas, one that is not often adopted).

8) Look in the Mirror

Last, and perhaps most importantly, training your team enables you to take a clear unabashed look in the mirror. It enables you to go to sleep with a clear conscience, to work with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Of having played your part in developing your fellow beings, in enabling them to make the best of themselves - of their infinite potential, which is but waiting to be tapped. More and more. Better and better.

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