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(Reproduced verbatim from the 1st post on an old blog of mine - December 3, 2011) Questioning leads to better understanding, gre...

Wednesday 24 January 2018

On Becoming A Futurist

In this article, @AmyWebb, a futurist and strategy professor, outlines a six-step methodology to forecast the future of anything we may be interested in, using a mix of narrow and broad ways of thinking. 

Webb says that many organizations fail to see the future because of their inability to allow left-brain and right-brain thinking and people to grow and complement each other. Which points in turn to the crucial importance of the right kind of diversity in teams that formulate strategy.

She argues that the benefits of futures forecasting are obvious: organizations that forecast the future can be better prepared and can hence better shape the context of change. What is very encouraging is her assurance that this is a skill, which any organization can master

The time to create our preferred future is now; don't wait!, she says.

Come, let us start/keep creating.

- Dheep @DheepJoy
January 23, 2018